7 Life Hacks I Wish I Knew In My 20's

2 years ago

Want a headstart in your 20's? Take my decades worth of advice for free

What do you wish you would have known five or ten years ago? 😁😎

Is feeling lost at 20s normal?
Image result for feeling lost in your 20s
As you live your life try to add more of what makes you happy and remove what makes you sad, whether this be people, material things, what you do or anything else.” A lot of times, we're feeling lost in 20s because we are still holding on or trying to fit ourselves into places, people, and things we've outgrown.

1. Friends should make you better.

Friends are supposed to make you feel good about yourself. If the people you’re hanging out with don’t, they aren’t your friends. Find people who make you a better person and spend time with them.

2. Now is the time to travel.

Money may be tight, but your 20s are the perfect time to explore the world. Don’t wait. You never know where life will take you, so do the thing you want as soon as you can.

3. You have time to plan. Enjoy now.

You don’t have to plan every aspect of your life. Live in the moment and enjoy the ride.

4. You are who you are, not what you want.

Never let anything or anyone confuse you for what you want. Don’t let your job, career, or ambition define who you become.

5. Relationships should make you a better person.

Most people will find love and experience heartbreak. Don’t settle for someone that doesn’t make you a better person.

6. Reading is actually fun.

When there’s not a book report attached, reading is actually fun. Don’t forget to re-read those classics; age can bring quite a bit of perspective.

7. If work sucks, you’re doing it wrong.

You don’t have to hate your job. Plenty of people love what they do. Don’t settle for a job you hate.

8. Your opinion of yourself is the only one that counts.

You will change and that will make people mad. Don’t worry about what others think of you.


00:00 Intro
00:09 Listen To The Message
00:58 Leave Toxic Relationships
01:55 Do Something Today
03:09 Don't Waste Your Money
04:11 You Can Always Start Something New
05:34 Dont Ruin Your Body At A Screen
07:00 Everyone Has Problems
08:35 Outro

#7things #IwishIknew #At20

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