SCP 003 Biological Motherboard ( Assimilate or be Assimilated

1 year ago

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Object Class: Euclid
"SCP-003" The Biological Motherboard
by Xian, rewritten by thedeadlymoose, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Object Class: Euclid
If you like this type of content let me know down in the comments, I will be doing them in order and adding more of my personal flair to each of the readings. Let me know which is your favorite and I will be sure to add more to that specific one just for you if its further down the road.

License: The sound effect is permitted for commercial use under license CC4 Legal Use: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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Special thanks to all of the pexel photographers Your all amazing.
Photo by Mikhail Nilov
Photo by Pixabay
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh
Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava
Photo by Lady Escabia
Photo by cottonbro

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