What Law is Controlling Us since the 1920s? Part 3

1 year ago

(45min) In the name of the GOD of Abraham, let us pave the way for Jesus to return, yet I’m praying for more time. I am on GOD HIS watch, as the acting Queen of the South. If our money is made out of paper from trees, or sand on the internet, we can be bought up. The middle class is being raped, and I'm asking for help to do, what I can do to stop what is happening to us. I explain what our problem is and what Jesus said to do. Let us render what is Caesar, back to him his credit money. Let us make our own money in gold and silver, open new manufacturing here in the USA, and develop the best form, cheapest way to ship products. All contracts of fraud need to be void. It is a year of jubilee, freedom from those who want control over our lives. Famine is coming from our farms mostly owned by China and Bill Gates. Our farms are being bought up to control us. Bill Gates oversees the FDA protection and this is not functioning as it should be for protection, or our people would not have taken these vaccines. This is a monopoly in play to kill us. Israel has to make amends with GOD, and I was born in 1956, I CALL the Jew, Islamic and Christian to unite under the GOD of Abraham. The lack of resources is what our people are left with, and our people need to be put to work building once again. I suggest what we need to do to stop these control methods. Corporate power in politics needs to be taken out. Our rights are violated. Our law here does not support our rights. Many of our contracts are not legally binding for the fraud involved. We need changes made in our courtrooms for justice to be done. Change needs to happen for us to find a better way. Misuse of the position our people are given is to be judged. Police need to fear the violation of our rights having respect. Law should not be a law unto itself as this supports dictatorship, a breach of our trust. Let us stop what’s going on today.

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