💫💥 WTF?? Eugenicist/Globalist Bill Gates Caught Admitting "Climate Change Is A WEF Scam"

1 year ago

A video resurfacing on the internet has shown Big Tech mogul Bill Gates laughing at how insufficient “clean energy” resources are in solving the so-called climate change.

The media clip now circulating on social media showed Gates, who was speaking to an audience of his inner circle in 2018, saying that wind, solar, battery technology and other renewable energy sources might be fashionable, but they are not capable of solving man-made global warming.

“That doesn’t solve the reliability problem,” Gates said in the video referring to the renewable energy they were discussing. “Whatever came up with this term ‘clean energy,’ I think it screwed up people’s minds because they don’t understand.”

Full article: https://www.newstarget.com/2022-10-02-video-reveals-gates-admitting-clean-energy-a-scam.html

Bill Gates bribing MSM to promote false climate change narrative and usher in Great Reset: https://naturalnews.com/2022-08-29-gates-bribing-msm-promote-climate-change-narrative.html
Info source: NaturalNews.com


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