Cheon-Il-Guk Constitution Song, represents the Life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

2 years ago

The idea of freedom is destroying this nation

When I made my tour all through the 50 states of America, one thing I saw clearly was that it has been the idea of freedom that has been destroying this nation step by step.
When I was sent to Seodae Mun Prison, as soon as I set foot inside, the warden glared fiercely at me and said mockingly, "So, the founder of the Unification Church, Moon so-and-so, has come."

At the time, I thought to myself, "Let's see whether I can win you over or not."

The warden was a Christian, and he said to me outright, "Aren't you that man Moon? I'll keep you here for a month." I jokingly asked this rude guy, "Who do you think you are? You've stolen money." He was taken aback, perhaps because his conscience was pricked. I told him, "So you be quiet." He was such an ill-mannered person; it was as if he'd hammered a nail into my heart.

Read some of Rev. Moon's Life Stories:

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