"Every Man NEEDS To Read This Book" By @1STMAN /Kris Sturmey

1 year ago

"The Male Advantage" 1stman Book Review - In this video I discuss/review/delve into 1stman/Kris Sturmey's book "The Male Advantage", I give you a breakdown of each section, what this book has done for me personally, and give my recommendations on whether this book is for you, enjoy.

Society likes men and women to believe that they are living on the same timeline. In reality, a man and a woman born in the same year will encounter completely different lives.

Women will experience a meteoric rise to social hierarchy fame in their teens/early 20’s with little effort, whilst men of the same age will likely have to gear up for a decade of hardship.

At the end of this decade, the man finally builds traction, only to be interrupted by marriage, fatherhood, and becoming a homeowner. All of which he runs towards with wide eyes and a bushy tail.

Years later he comes to realise that he’s been living on the female timeline and chasing after feminine life goals due to society and the media’s narrative. He realises men peak later than women, but it’s too late to take advantage of.

The end result…He misses out on the male peak; he’s married during the years he’s most attractive to women and every penny he’s ever saved has been spent on building a family rather than chasing his own dreams.

In The Male Advantage, author and 1STMAN Founder Kris Sturmey, breaks down how to position yourself to live on a male timeline, how to navigate the roadblocks to a successful male life, and how to improve in various areas of life in order to align with the male advantage years.

Men's lifestyle brand and streaming platform providing video content for the male market.

Our YouTube channel looks at a broad range of subjects including podcasts with various experts, video features with influencers, men's lifestyles, men's health, testosterone, fitness, style, grooming, success advice, attraction advice, body language analysis videos, documentaries, live streams, and more.

Our aim is to be the bridge between who men currently are and who they want to become.

Have you read the book? Will you be reading it after this review? Does it sound like something you would enjoy? You may think from the title it is about something else, dont judge a book by its cover haha (anyone who did my vote on the community tab will understand this). I implore you to read it before you make any judgments, it's not what you think, it's brilliant and very well thought out. Enjoy!

“A truly educational gem that all men should definitely read”

“This was one of the most insightful and actionable guides to help young men navigate life to reach their full potentials”

“Must read for young men ages 18-30”

“I’m barely through the first couple of pages but the wisdom and gold nuggets are insane. It’s quite eye-opening. A must-read for every man”

“One of the most important books I’ve read in my life”

I'm not affiliated with 1stman but if you would like to buy the book here are the links:

The Male Advantage Paperback Book: https://1st-man.com/product/the-male-...

The Male Advantage Ebook & Audiobook: https://1stman.podia.com/

00:00 Who Is 1stman?
00:30 Why Did I Need The Book?
01:25 What Is The Male Advantage?
02:08 Key Area 1 Mentality
04:43 Key Area 2 Execution
09:15 Key Area 3 Navigation
12:03 The Results/What Did The Book Do For Me
13:03 Do Yourself A Favour

#redpill #1stman #manosphere

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