Red Pill Vs Blackpill: How Radical Is Too Radical?

1 year ago

Redpilled meaning. Blackpilled meaning. What is the red and black pill dating ideologies? I will guide you through each of the pill's main belief systems and actions that it will have you take in your life and give my recommendation on which one you should take. I will be using the knowledge I've gained through my extensive research into each one and give you advice about which one you should take, and then ultimately give my opinion as to which pills dating ideology you should follow What is the red pill dating ideology? What is the black pill ideology? Should you take the red pill? Should you take the black pill? Which pill should you take? Should you take the red or black pill? Should you swallow the red or black pill?

I will also discuss the different ways the pills could be perceived/interpreted by yourself and the world and how best to apply their ideologies to your life.

Why you should take the red pill
Why you should take the black pill
Which pill should you take?

The Red Pill is a collection of ideas encompassed by what its subscribers refer to as the "manosphere," a number of loosely-associated blogs that focus on masculinity and personal philosophy for men.

Game is an adaptive set of social skills and best practices in navigating intersexual dynamics in a modern sexual marketplace.

From the accomplishments of feminism to the dynamics of the modern dating market, Red Pill and the larger Manosphere claim that everything we have been taught about women, society, and seduction is a lie. Within Red Pill, the concepts of Alpha-Seed, Beta-Need, and the Feminine Imperative are accepted as gospel. Red Pill men are shown how masculinity is under attack, and are instructed to always maintain their Frame to avoid becoming the dreaded blue-pilled beta.

Taking on the truths of Red Pill head-on to see if they can stand up to the tests of scientific investigation, rationality, and logic, Red Pill Ideology seeks to understand the underlying foundational beliefs and motivations of Red Pill men with the same thoroughness that Red Pill claims to understand women.

Game is a craft that sets players apart from average men. Average men are everywhere. The average guy is overweight, underemployed, low-or-no education, rudderless and purposeless in life and love.

Today's statistics show that women find only 4.5 percent of men attractive…attractive enough to initiate a dialogue with them. That 4.5 percent are the players. Their Game may suck, but they are the high-value men who women want to play with, and play with.

The manosphere has its own distinct jargon. The idea of misandry (hatred of or prejudice against men) is commonly invoked, both as an equivalent to misogyny and as a way to deny the existence of institutionalized sexism. A central tenet is the concept of the red pill, a metaphor borrowed from the film The Matrix. It concerns awakening men to the supposed reality that society is dominated by feminism and biased against men. Manospherians believe that feminists and political correctness obscure this reality, and that man are victims who must fight to protect themselves.[26] Accepting the manosphere's ideology is equated with "taking the red pill", and those who do not are seen as "blue pilled" or as having "taken the blue pill"."The Red Pill represents a new phase in online misogyny. Its members not only mock and belittle women; they also believe that in our society, men are oppressed by women."

In this final master-work of The Rational Male series, Rollo Tomassi breaks down the fundamental mechanics of Game, intersexual social skills, and the nuts and bolts psychology that makes it work.

00:00 What are the red pill & black pill dating ideologies
00:30 What if the pills really existed?
01:37 The redpills dating belief system
02:36 The redpills main self-improvement pillars
04:58 The blackpills dating belief system
06:25 The blackpills self-improvement pillars
08:10 The dark side of the pills, smoking the redpill
09:00 Mainlining the redpill
09:40 The dark side of the pills, the blackpill
10:00 Smoking the blackpill
10:40 Mainlining the blackpill
11:30 Your greatest asset
12:05 Should you take the red pill or the blackpill?
13:20 My final recommendation
13:40 Anything worth doing takes time
14:40 Is self-improvement cope?
15:15 Outro, I got my face rated

The Blackpill is basically the ultimate and hardest-to-swallow Redpill.
It is about realizing nothing matters and there is nothing you can do that will change anything, it deprives you of all positive thought and makes you want to get some sort of meaning out of this limited time we have.
Basically extreme nihilism. That's why it's not called a red pill, since it's beyond that.

The Blackpill ideology claims that physical attractiveness is the primary determining factor in dating and relationship success.

#redpill #blackpill #dating

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