You’re The Cure, June 17, 2019

1 year ago

Today, Dr. Ben interviews Andrew Salisbury, creator of Purity coffee. Andrew gives his story of what brought him to create the world’s healthiest coffee. He left behind the cares of cost and convenience and focused only on health. This is completely the opposite of what usually happens with Standard American food and drink businesses. He shares several studies touting coffee as having a positive health benefit in the areas of diabetes, liver health, and so many more. He discusses California’s new law, Proposition 65, and clears up any confusion surrounding cancer concerns with coffee. Purity coffee is organic, special-grade, and bird-friendly. This is beneficial because coffee is highly sprayed with pesticides, harbors mold easily, and can disrupt wildlife if it’s not grown in a native environment. Purity coffee is hand-selected, tested, chosen from the most rigorous health standards, and then roasted to perfection. There is a ‘sweet spot’ during the roasting process. It can’t be roasted too much or too little, and the antioxidant load begins to decline 15 days after being roasted. Purity coffee is roasted the day it’s ordered and ships within two days in a nitrogen flushed bag, which means the coffee doesn’t begin to stale until the bag is opened. They also offer only one coffee because there is only one winner. Andrew speaks to the jittery/anxiety response that some coffees can cause and how their clients say this doesn’t happen with Purity. Andrew ends by giving the best brewing ideas.

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