Blindshell Classic II's Advanced Features

1 year ago

If you feel limited by the modern touchscreen, Vision Forward's Tech Connect has good news because BlindShell develops smartphones with tactile buttons specifically designed for users with low or no vision!

The BlindShell Classic 2 has integrated several upgrades which go beyond what you might expect a tactile phone can do for you. So what has changed? What is new? And most importantly, what tasks does this tech specialize in? Vision Forward's very own Assistive Technology Specialist's, Cory and Luke, tag-team this week's Tech Connect to bring you their nine and three-quarter(s) advanced features of the new BlindShell Classic 2!

BlindShell strives towards: "Communication with no limits!" and we want everyone to get the most value out of their devices. As such, we will be demonstrating how to access various media, keep in communication, general visual assistance and a handful of quick tips for color ID and brand recognition. There are even games to pass the time and keep your mind sharp!

These demos will include both button navigation and dictation to perform these operations. This is not an introductory-level video, so be sure to watch our basics video first to learn the fundamentals.

Sophisticated software allows for NFC tagging and programmable buttons. The BlindShell Classic 2 has a robust battery (96hr), standard headphone jack and an earthshakingly loud speaker.

Already own a BlindShell? Then follow along with your own device to refresh your skills! You can find the full list of BlindShell applications on their website: Tell us what you think of the BlindShell Classic 2 down in the comments!

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