Canada: Ministers on Hockey Canada, Safe Third Country Agreement, Pierre Poilievre video tag

1 year ago

Ministers speak briefly with reporters on Parliament Hill as the federal cabinet holds its weekly meeting. Sport Minister Pascale St-Onge face questions about the ongoing Hockey Canada controversy. The prime minister, Marco Mendicino (public safety) and David Lametti (justice) are asked about the Supreme Court of Canada's hearing on the constitutionality of the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland responds to questions about the inclusion of a hidden tag that is used by a misogynistic online movement in Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's YouTube videos. Mendicino and Lametti are also asked about the video tags, which have since been removed from the opposition leader's videos. Mendicino comments as well on the upcoming commission hearings on the federal government's use of the Emergencies Act in February 2022 to declare a public order emergency. Pablo Rodriguez (Canadian Heritage) discusses criticism from some social media companies about the government's broadcasting legislation. Sean Fraser (immigration) responds to calls for the creation of a distinct francophone immigration program within his department.

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