The Circle Is Complete - The Art Has Been Passed To The Next Generation

1 year ago

This was really a great experience for me. Just have a listen to the story. Strange how things can go full circle. It was an honor and pleasure to pass the torch to the next generation, as it had been passed to me 40 years ago. Mike is such a gentlemen and fun guy. His son Noah was a respectful and fun young man to guide and hang out with all day. It was an honor to show them my secret salmon fishing spot. I made them swear to never tell a soul where we were. If they did, we would have a problem. I like to keep this gem to myself. Call me selfish, I don't care. There is nothing worse than walking up to your favorite stream to find 276 idiots fighting, arguing, snagging, drinking and acting like morons. No, I want my place for me. I trusted them.

Enjoy the video I just made a short highlight real of some of the catches. Sadly, we are only able to catch the tail end )no pun intended LOL) of the battles, as the first half the fish are going ballistic and we cannot video. After a few minutes, the fish calms down and we can pull the camera out. Wish we had a camera man to show you some of the insane battles we had. At times were were running down the river after monsters. The kid was good. He learned fast. Caught right up to me. I've never seen that before. Usually I catch 10 to 1 on rookies This kid hung fish for fish. Maybe did better. But I did make some incredible epics precision casts that blew his mind. On my fist fish, I flipped a spawn bag into a 2' inch slot between a big female and a male. I didn't want the female is I jerked the bait away from her, into the mouth of the make, which shot 75 yards down stream and eventually broke my 40 test Spider Wire, nearly ripping my finger off in the process. Good times. LOL

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