Stationary Escorts Harassing Pro-Life Witnesses

2 years ago

Filmed at Eastpointe abortion center August 27, 2022.

One of many routine examples of the CONSTANT harassment of pro-life witnesses engaged in by the abortion escorts – in combination with yet another example of the abortion escorts ROUTINELY maintaining stationary positions on public property.

This harassment takes place on a near continual basis when there are NO clinic clients present.

The escorts crowd the pro-life witnesses in an intimidating manner using their umbrellas while blaring loud music, bells, and/or horns.

At the same time escorts routinely maintain stationary positions on public property while also routinely instigating police action (for "loitering") against pro-life witnesses if they do not maintain CONSTANT movement.

Then – as demonstrated here, they harass the pro-life witnesses that are trying to maintain movement.

In this example, the abortion escort employs an umbrella, loud bells, and blaring music to intimidate and crowd while NO clinic clients are present. In addition at least THREE abortion escorts and employees maintain STATIONARY positions on the public sidewalk.

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