Episode 36: Andrew and Jerry Save The Radicals!

1 year ago

It's a guestless AJSTW this week, since Andrew and Jerry have so much to talk about. Who are the radicals in today's world, and why are Andrew and Jerry saving them?

The DOJ is going full-bore against pro-life activists, while at the same time laying-up on politically-inconvenient prosecutions. A father defends his son and is initially charged with assault, but those charges are later dismissed. Then 30 FBI agents in SWAT gear show up to arrest him. Yet a week later, a transgender Army major and his wife are accused of trying to offer military secrets to the Russians. No SWAT team, no charge of espionage or treason, and they're released with ankle monitors.

At the same time, the DOJ refuses to prosecute people harassing Supreme Court justices with violating clear federal law.

They talk at length about the politicization of the law, how it has been weaponized against dissent--with the intent of chilling alternative viewpoints. They talk about the Obama Administration's usage of this, and how it has been refined for today's world--especially with the mid-term elections upon us.

But who can blame them in a world where the President is constantly inventing new realities for his biography? How does the left's obsession with gender and children play into this--and why is it that there are so many more "trans" kids in urban areas than in the rest of America. Also, a new survey is out regarding the relationship between politics and mental health... who is more satisfied with their mental health, conservatives or liberals? Republicans or Democrats?

Finally, they have a conversation about Saturday Night Live. Why was SNL in the early 80s so terrible? Is it true that the best cast is the one when you were an adolescent? What year(s) were best, and who was their favorite cast member?

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