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2 years ago

“The F.B.I., whose job it is to enforce federal law, did take a lengthy statement from Bobulinski back in 2020 and during that conversation he outlined several felonies the Bidens had committed.”

Even though Tony provided the evidence of the crimes, the F.B.I. never followed up with him after his first interview with them in 2020.

“To this day the FBI continues to squelch evidence, proof, that the most powerful family in the country has committed CRIMES AGAINST THE UNITED STATES.”

TREASON- The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.

Make no mistake, Tucker has now said, as of yesterday, that the United States engaged in an act of Industrial Terrorism when Nord Stream 2 was sabotaged. Now he is calling out the Bidens for committing TREASON and the F.B.I. for covering up the treason which makes the F.B.I. culpable.


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