2 years ago

Inner and Outer thigh workouts at home. Get your thighs toned and in shape. Instructor Edi Carnduff from Gold Card Fitness will show you each step of the way. For beginners . Starting with warm-up stretching exercises and jumping on the spot, alternate elbow to knee, standing kicking legs forward, and star jumps.
Sitting on a matt working on outer thighs one side at a time starting with leg raise, then raise the leg forward, . Bend the leg that you are laying on while raising other leg off the ground and return to starting position ten times. Repeat the last exercise this time hold when raised .
Repeat the other side, once finished lay on your back on the matt legs bent feet together push your knees wide apart working outer thighs.
On the matt raise legs crossing each other wide like scissor movements. that completes the thigh exercises .
Now for the cool down stretching sitting on matt stretch your both legs together with your fingers touching your toes hold that stretch count for 10 stretching your hamstrings. standing again stretch your hamstrings with both hands resting on one thigh stretch one leg, while other leg is bent, with your body bending forward. repeat other side. lay on matt, legs wide apart, stretch one side hands forward touching your toes hold for a count to ten then both hands in center touching matt and stretch to the other side repeat the hold for 10.
Lay on matt curl your knees to your chest hold and raise, your legs so your hands are holding the back of your legs, and toes are reaching for the sky or roof. Hold for 10. Thank You. Please let me know what you think of this video, please like, share and give me a thumbs up. Thank you for watching. Gold Card Fitness

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