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Libby Emmons

2 years ago

Libby Emmons


  • 0/2000
  • Gen C youth of the LEFT has gone crazy making up imaginary self images and identities they have named erroneously "genders" pushed heavily by the LGBTQPEDO satanists progressive political agenda. Once the perverted satanic Democrats are no longer the majority, all this crap is going to end. These kids will get therapy and education in to what sex and gender really is. If they still need treatment mental hospitals should be available to help heal the damages caused by this administration on Americas youth. Binary, nonbinary does not exist, it is a made up word that means nothing as far as gender, get over it. Its not ever a fetish, bleh. Too lame. Cornstarch eater is a better fetish. There will ALWAYS LEGALLY BE ONLY 2 GENDERS. Choose one. You were born with it. Cut yourself if you like, you wont change your DNA. You are just masking. Sorry. You ARE what YOU ARE forever.

  • My female cousin was a tomboy growing up. When she learned about puberty it caused great fear & dread bc she found menstruation to be a disgusting thought. She always said I'm not going to ever have periods & when her mom told her it was natural to fear the unknown & part of growing up maturing from a girl to a woman, she would literally throw a tantrum. My cousin did outgrow that stage of her life. She went to college to become a teacher, got married & had 2 daughters of her own, was a girl scout leader & very involved in her kids lives. She maintained her RCC from childhood which I have to wonder if her Christianity is ultimately what got her through those growing up pains. (IMHO, Typical on so many different levels during normal growth into maturity.) Had my cousin been a child today one can only imagine what may have happened since we have demonic sychophants infiltrated into every aspect of society advocating for gender confusion as young as preschool age on up, inciting family hostility by encouraging keeping secrets from parents, what happens at school stays at school, you're smarter than you're parents, your parents are too old fashioned, they wouldn't understand breaking parental bond & communication ties, advocating for gender reassignment Rx & procedures behind parents back & lobbying for these wo parental consent. Promoting these wo discussing all potential risks & harm, much less regret & irreversibility, increased suicide risks ALL wo even appropriate counseling to discuss why they feel this way, why they feel the need to change, long term results & complications; in other words not being fully informed of risk vs benefit, much less ability to give full informed consent when a minor unable to comprehend as a mature adult the overall situation. If a person wants to be trans go for it, to each their own. That's between you & God! But.... giving drugs & or surgery to change who you were created to be at birth to minors is unconscionable/criminal!

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