Rothschild are trying to exterminate Asian royal families & Nazis trying to exterminate both of them

1 year ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (October 2022). Just as both Stewart Swerdlow and James Casbolt and Max Spiers and Simon Parkes and others have said, the Satanist reptilian vampire ritual “50% children’s blood & 50% Draco royal blue blood” DNA shape-shifting avatar bodies’ Rothschild family Zionist communist Jesuit pedophile cannibal Satanist earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers New Age Wicca witch mother goddess cult feminist Western white Caucasian Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar globalist elites, who report to the royal white Draco “Anu of the Anunnaki” (snake in the Garden of Eden who received a 4th dimensional human snake hybrid fake alien body in the Vatican underground) and Satan Lucifer, are trying to exterminate the Asian royal families, because they consider them as a detestable plague contaminating inferior reptilian specie for eugenics ethnic-cleansing. They tried to use World War 2 to exterminate the Chinese royal families and Japanese royal families, and tried to use each others’ armies to try to accomplish extermination of both the Chinese and Japanese and Koreans ethnicities from the face of this earth, but our Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus still had a purpose for them as guardians, so he stopped it. They were recently trying to make the Chinese and Japanese and Koreans to start a war and were inciting riots, in order to exterminate all the Asian races from the earth, but God stopped it through his real Christians, while the Western feminist nations’ “women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angels head controlled” “men’s trousers cross-dressing” religious Christian hordes and pastors just looked on and did nothing, and just ate ice cream and danced in their churches and hunted for breeding mates in church and went to pedophile cannibal Satanist reptilian hybrid Katy Perry concerts. The Bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.” Satan Lucifer’s Saturn Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens’ Ceres planet Mars planet Nazi 4th Reich Sabbatean Frankist “Black Sun” “Saturnalian abyss fallen angels CERN spirit guide channeling New Age Vril” Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens with cybernetic avatar bodies with human cloned flesh covering the bodies, are trying to exterminate both the rival Rothschild family Zionist communist Draco avatar faction and the Asian dragon families and all Slavs and Proto-Slav fallen angels and Yellow Dragon Emperor and Asians and blacks and Africans and Hispanics and Indians and Jews and Arabs and Native Americans and all other ethnicities under their “Planned Parenthood” Nazi eugenics holocaust genocide ethnic-cleansing program. For now until one or the other backstabs and betrays and slaughters the other side just like in the Order 666 “Valentine’s Day Massacre,” the Nazi Satanists and Zionist Satanists have formed a temporary truce to cooperate to first exterminate all the human specie people and other species from the earth, in order to get rid of God’s Creation, and bring in their Satanist NWO one-world government under Satan Lucifer and the fallen angel devils. Then Satan Lucifer (Sanat Kumara) and the Illuminati top hierarchy Shambhala “White Lodge Brotherhood for the New Age white witches” “Black Lodge Brotherhood for the Satanist black magician witches” “Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar Abrasax fake aliens” “Twilight Saga vampires” fallen angel devils plan to exterminate both the Zionist Satanists and “Black Sun” Nazi Satanists and all free-thinking free-willed organic life forms from the universe, in order to return the universe back to the pre-Adamic era where they are alone, again, with the universe all to themselves.

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