Welcome to Seedtime and Harvest Ministries

2 years ago

Welcome to Seedtime and Harvest Ministries! Our mission is to share the gospel in all kinds of engaging ways – to include puppet plays (audio, video, and print), Schwuppet video productions, and books for children. We hope these resources encourage our audience to dig deeper into God’s word. We plant the seeds, God gives the increase! 1 Corinthians 3:6.

We offer:

Complete puppet skits, including vocals, sound effects, and music so you can perform your own plays, although these skits are also wonderful as stand-alone short stories, in case you aren’t puppet-performance minded!
Schwuppet video performances of all our plays
Children’s Bible trivia books
COMING SOON: Many homeschooling aids, teaching tools, Bible-based books for kids, and a new audio/video series all about America’s National Parks (hosted by none other than our very own Mr. International)!

We are privileged to be called into His work. We hope to be able to expand our outreach with more puppet parables and lessons from both the Old and New Testaments, as well as homeschooling helps, Sunday School lessons, Vacation Bible School curriculums, and much more.

You can also find us at www.seedtimeandharvestministries.com. Check back often, because we’ll be adding to it on a regular basis. We welcome your feedback and look forward to your comments and questions.

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