The possum and her puppies

1 year ago

The possum, also called possum, saruê or possum in Bahia, mucura in the Amazon, timbu in Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, cassaco in Ceará, Alagoas and in the Pernambuco countryside, micurê in Mato Grosso, taibu, tacaca and ticaca in São Paulo and Minas Gerais[1], in addition to being erroneously called fox in the South region for stealing chicken eggs[2] is a marsupial mammal of the genus Didelphis, found from the southern United States to South America. It is one of the largest marsupials in the didelphiid family. It's omnivorous. Its main predator is the wild cat (Leopardus spp.). Because of the name it is sometimes confused with the skunk (Mephitis mephitis),[3] which is not a marsupial, but a mephithid.

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