WISDOM SHORTS - Ever thought you'd be a bad parent due to unhealed issues? How about the good ones??

2 years ago

Hey there folks, this video is the result of an idea suddenly passing through my mind, so I didn't have time to think about it, just hopped in and made a video.
Ever thought as a parent that you have "too many" unhealed issues, and therefore your children might suffer since they'd also gain them through DNA (generational karma). Well, how about you also look at your brighter sides? Since... if you'd be wise enough to think this deep, then you'd definitely have good points also ^^ Most likely you're not aware of them, yet! Or... like many others, you're just ditching them because it's easier to notice the "bad". :)
Children are after all most of you and your spouses' information :) But they also come with own wisdom and strength. Will you go beyond own generation's limitations and make your children a better life, or will you choose to succumb to impulses and urges which aren't even yours? Choice definitely belongs to only you ^^

Hugs, much appreciation, stay awesome and live (b)right!

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