2 years ago

The seasonal flu vaccine used to be recommended for the elderly. In 2003 the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control began to recommend it for children under the age of five as well. It is now recommended every year for every man, woman and child from the age of two throughout the rest of life as the result of the exaggerated H1N1 Flu pandemic of 2009. That pandemic was predicted to kill millions of people and ended up being a very mild flu season for most countries. This is a political vaccine with no scientific basis that will make millions for the flu manufactures and cause health problems for thousands. How does a person sift through the conflicting information provided?

As a 40 year independent vaccine researcher, I hope these facts will help you decide if you or your children will receive the seasonal flu vaccine. Dangerous Effects The first H1N1 flu vaccine of 2009 has proven to cause many unwanted side effects. Between the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Washington and other reliable sources, the side effects are causing problems one might see in a horror film. Not only was the vaccine rushed to the market, it was based on flawed reports from the Center of Disease Control and the World Health Organization.


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