How To Start and Run A Successful Real Estate Marketing Company

1 year ago

How To Build An Amazing Company Culture Virtually With Steven Neville

Steven Neville is the owner and founder of M-Power Solutions. After 15 years in real estate, closing numerous deals, and doing tons of marketing, Steve quickly learned that data was the most essential part of his business.

He noticed that the data available in the market before had low data hygiene and the cost per lead was very high so he decided to start looking for data himself. After becoming extremely proficient at acquiring high quality and recently updated data he opened up his data resources to the public.

Since then M-Power solutions has grown from a data company to an all-in-one marketing solution. They offer cold calling services, SMS campaigns, data, direct mail marketing, and social media marketing among other things.

Steve is extremely passionate in helping people build their businesses nationwide and abroad. He is also extremely passionate in developing his internal team for growth and much of the episode is centered around the topic of culture building and how to treat your virtual employees.



"Follow your passion, but make sure you are checking your ego. I had all these visions of investing nationwide and internationally, but what I found is if you dive to deep into trying to create an empire you lose your fire and passion and it becomes more like a job"

"What I really liked was the foundation of helping people. I liked the competitive challenge of growing and developing a business. In real estate you can keep it very lean"

"I think it is important for any level of entrepreneur, but especially in real estate, to be creative with your thinking."

"I’ve always had this mentality of using our differences and our diversities to empower us instead of dividing us”

"I hated working 9-5 because I felt that it was modern day slavery. I had to do it or I would be homeless. I had to do it or I would be a crappy dad for my kids. That’s how it felt to me. That is how it mentally and emotionally drained me"

"We need bigger why’s. I talk to people a lot of the time and they don’t even have a why. They might not even have the luxury of thinking of a bigger why. We like to empower people to find their biggest why"


• It is hard to go into business with your friends. Be careful when doing so because it can ruin your relationship if you do not share the same values in business.
• I am big on developing a culture. I want my employees to feel like a family or a community.
• We are a data and marketing agency right now focusing on the real estate niche. We work with any type of investor as well as Realtors and brokers. We help people with lead generation and conversion primarily.
• Data hygiene is how accurate and current the data you are acquiring is. A lot of these all in one solutions are buying this data in bulk and it is only being updated quarterly or monthly. If you want the best results you need your data to be updated more frequently than that.
• As my teams grew from 10 people to 50 people to where we are now generally between 80 and one hundred people. Not only was I helping people grow their business but I was helping my employees have a much better life.
• Steve likes to treat his virtual employees just like companies that have local ones. He wants to develop his employees and help them grow so that he can have this ripple effect on the world.
• Steve fell in love with Filipino culture. He loves traveling over to see his employees. His fiancé is one of his employees. There is something about that culture that syncs and is in harmony with him.


0:00 - Introduction
0:30 - Craziest Transaction
9:30 - Discussing how to structure partnerships
15:00 - Have you found a business structure for partnerships that works better?
18:50 - Check your ego and follow your passion
24:15 - Discussing traveling in the Philippines
26:15 - How did you structure the lease option on this deal?
30:45 - What is the elevator pitch for M-Power Solutions?
32:00 - Discussing Data hygiene of skip tracing companies
34:15 - What is the difference between your company and other data companies?
38:45 - How did you discover your passion for building teams and building culture?
46:40 - Why did you decide to go the virtual route instead of doing this locally?
49:15 - Discussing the culture of winning and comparing it to sports
57:05 - How did you come to the epiphany of focusing on just one thing and specializing?
1:00:15 - Discussing the passion and alignment he has with his employees.
1:04:50 - What is your vision for the next 12-18 months?
1:11:10 - What is the best way for the audience to reach you?
1:12:00 - Wrap


real estate marketing ideas smma 2022

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