The Role of a Biblical Church in Missions | Webinar

1 year ago

God-glorifying missions are focused on the planting of Biblical and healthy churches. If we don’t understand what defines a Biblical church we will not be able to succeed in planting a Biblical church. At the same time, if we are not active members of a Biblical church, we will likely not play a tangible role in Biblical missions either.

At PMc, one of our priorities is to equip everyday Christians to live faithfully unto the Lord. We do that in a variety of ways, and this webinar is one of them.

At this webinar, you will be encouraged by the Word of God to understand more fully the role of Biblical churches in God’s plan. You will be encouraged to see how the thrust of God-honoring missions comes from healthy and true churches purposefully fulfilling their role in discipling, equipping, and sending out faithful missionaries. You will learn how the reformers understood and defined a true church, as well as other important marks of a healthy church. At this free webinar, you will also be given tools to evaluate how Biblical or not your church and your church's involvement in global missions is and why it’s important.

In addition, you’ll get to hear some Italian worship songs, updates on the work now happening in Italy through PMc, and numerous avenues of involvement with PMc for you as an individual and for your church or small group. Lastly, you will also be part of a live Q&A where you can ask questions related to PMc, Vera Vita, Italy, Missions, Evangelism, Church Planting, and Missionary Life.

We hope to see you there!
Dio vi benedica

What is the Gospel? -
What is Biblical evangelism? -
9 Marks -

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Like Jesus driven to His cross so we drive ourselves to the singular task of the edification (planting) of Biblical churches in Italy.

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