Networking for Leads

1 year ago

I started my business with networking as the only strategy. I mean, obviously, I've grown and done other things since then and started with in-person networking, and now it's almost all online networking.

Right. It's amazing.

It's amazing. Especially now. With some of the changes that have happened
in the past few years, one of the great things that I have found the online networking because you get to reach a much larger audience than you would if you did in-person networking just locally, you get to reach people all over the world. I find it truly amazing. I love it.

I do too.

I would say, so I'm here in Vancouver, Washington. The vast majority of my business before COVID was in Washington and Oregon because I'm kinda right on the border. It's because of the personal networking that I did locally here. But once COVID hit and all of that shut down, I went online for networking, and now my business is all over the United States. I'm not in every state yet, but we're getting close.

Right? I know. It's amazing.

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