LOL The Humanists Trying To Figure Out How Creative Resistance Works In The Machine

1 year ago

Nov 22, 2016 Janae Sholtz is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Alvernia University and has the following abstract: This paper will explore what I will call "Creative Resistance and the Spectacle of Violence." A lecture by Janae Sholtzspectacles of violence.” Particularly, I am interested in the role that art plays through the proliferation of images of violence and injustice, generated through media and photography which have opened a visual window and increased our participation, on an affective level, with the atrocities that are occurring all over the world. Do these images bring the suffering of others before us, generating responses of empathy and awareness? What of the fact that image and spectacle are used to propagate terror itself? What is clear is that affect is being invoked, channeled, and disseminated everywhere, phenomena that we take as a given because these invocations of affect have saturated our culture for decades. In this contemporary moment, information and knowledge operate through the transmission of affect, thus it is, at the very least, an ambiguous starting point. Gilles Deleuze’s considerations of the non-representational nature of images and affects can be of some use here. The model provided by Deleuze can help us understand the roles of affect/affectivity in the perpetuation of these spectacles and the liberatory potential of what we will delineate as the ‘creative affect.'

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