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15 seconds

October 5, 2022

2 years ago

Join us for episode 89, where we sit down with Chad Stuemke.

Chad is an author, researcher, and seeker. His investigations range from searching out the secrets of ancient civilizations and their hidden archaeology to probing the present for answers regarding U.F.O.s, stargates, symbolism, spirituality, and humanity’s greater potential.

In this episode, we discuss searching out the keys that have been hidden in the past and that we may be able to unlock the gates and doors to our own higher potentials and future. 
We dive deep into why he believes the combinational experience we get from visiting both the ancient and modern sacred sites on the same day is akin to a time machine. We’re able to look to the past while feeling in the present and sometimes even glimpses of the future.

Another Banger!

Connect with Chad: https://chadstuemke.com

Chad’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/esoteric-america/id1638508157

Co-Host on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO0A8caVlYmn-n3QgLosqXQ

Co-Host on Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/myfamilythinksimcrazy

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: "The Hidden Gateway Podcast."

Website: www.TheHiddenGateway.com











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