Ukraine War Update October 5th, 2022 - War in Ukraine

1 year ago

Ukraine War Update October 5th, 2022 - War in Ukraine

Ukrainian army liberates more areas in Kharkiv and Kherson areas.

Ukrainian troops liberate 1,534 settlements since the first phase of the invasion ended.

Russian soldiers are massively surrendering.

A secret poll run by Kremlin proves a negative attitude among Russians to military call-up.

At least 600,000 flee Russia following military call-up announcement.

Sweden sends diving vessel to probe leaking Nord Stream pipelines.

Energoatom looks into restarting reactors at Russian-held nuclear plant.

The new US defense aid package for Ukraine includes 4 HIMARS, 16 155mm howitzers.

Finland preparing a new military aid package for Ukraine. Ukraine to receive almost $530M from World Bank.

#ukrainenews #ukraine #ukrainewar #romanprokopchuk

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