What age do women typically hit the wall?

2 years ago

Women are at their most desirable between 22 and 24, this is based on numerous surveys and it seems men of all ages agree this is true. This is also the age when a woman can have healthy babies most easily. As a woman ages her ability to have healthy babies decreases, by the time she’s 35 she’s lost about 40% of her fertility and from here her chance of having a normal healthy baby declines dramatically. By 40 the odds she’ll be able to conceive naturally are very, very small and by 44 they’re next to none.
Since having children is a biological imperative for our species, men are programmed to look for the healthiest most fertile women, being the 22 - 24 year olds. Women on the other hand are programmed for hypergamy, that is they look for men who have the best genes and the highest status. Good genes mean good children and status means that when she’s most vulnerable by being pregnant and having small children, her partner will be able to provide for her and protect her. So women look for CHADs (Charming, Handsome, and Driven) AKA Tall Dark and Handsome.
While women are in their 20s they can attract the attention of CHADs and revel in it, but as they age the CHADs, who remain attractive to women well into their 40’s, begin to lose interest since they can still attract women in their 20’s. Since CHADs are abundant during their 20s women have the opportunity to date up and “ride the Carousel” they treat their 20’s as a dating smörgåsbord. Since feminism tells them they can have it all, they postpone marriage and children to stay on the carousel as long as possible. Eventually though the attention they get from CHADs begins to diminish, by the time they realize it they’re in their 30s.
It’s important to understand that women will still be pursued by men well into their 40s and sometime into their 50’s if they’re attractive, but they won’t be pursued by CHADs. As women age the quality of men they can attract become lower and lower status males. This is what it means for a woman to hit the wall, she can no longer attract the kind of men that she desires and who were plentiful when she was young.
Now keep in mind that female attractiveness comes into play, the more attractive a woman is the longer she can push back the wall, some women who are obese and unattractive might hit the wall at 18.
You can tell when a woman has hit the wall when she begins to complain that there are no good men left.
So, why do MGTOW talk about women hitting the wall? Because they see it as a form of Karmic justice. Most MGTOW have experienced lack of loyalty and fidelity from women and find it satisfying when women hit their mid 30’s and suddenly panic that they’re not married and not likely to be. It’s kind of like sitting back and watching a slow motion train wreck knowing full well that it was the driver of the train who caused the wreck by ignoring the warning signs along the route.

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