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Human Nature and Impressing Others

2 years ago

This is a video on why we all try to impress others and how it's actually part of human nature....

The crazy thing is that even if it's something we do based out of genetics and instict (it's actually something nature gave us for one reason....to procreate) now back then it was common to do this so you could serve your tribe and protect your family but in modern society it's just to show off by getting the latest gadgets and by how "influencial" you are

I believe this natural human thing can be channeled into something more fullfilling (this video is also a danger on how this can also lead you into the impulsive mistake of materialism which is a trap)

channel this into yourself,impress yourself and try to achieve freedom so you can then work on becoming who you want to be (the materialism and the confidence will come after) but first you must recognize this mind controlling habit from nature and make sure you are not falling for it

it's not a bad thing (but this society will trick you thanks to it)

also to prove it's nature and not society I gave an example with the victorian raffle bird (a bird that literally tries to impress their mate xD)

i just saw it on reddit and thought it was interesting....

anyways thanks for clicking and watching this video (whatever lead you to this I hope it helped...)

#selfimprovement #humannature #imprssingothers


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