Welttag gegen Zensur im Internet - World Day against Internet Censorship

2 years ago

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Welttag gegen Zensur im Internet

Die Freiheit im Netz ist bedroht! Zum heutigen Welttag gegen #Zensur im Internet fordern wir erneut dazu auf, das #NetzDG ersatzlos zu streichen und jede Einflussnahme staatlicher Stellen zu Lasten der #Freiheit im Netz zu beenden!
Unsere Stellungnahme: https://afdbundestag.de/digitalpolitiker-der-afd-fraktionen-sprechen-sich-gemeinsam-gegen-zensur-im-internet-aus

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World Day against Internet Censorship

Freedom on the internet is under threat: first and foremost from autocratic regimes, but also from individual private companies acting on behalf of or in close coordination with state authorities without democratic control mechanisms. In addition, a considerable danger emanates from the German Network Enforcement Act ('NetzDG'), specifically from its tightening. For good reason, the Administrative Court of Cologne has found that it partially violates the EU regulation. Such laws create a climate of fear of state repression, threaten and curtail free speech and ultimately also promote self-censorship among internet users. This is unworthy of a liberal democracy.

Of course, the internet must not be an unpunished space for lawbreakers. As a party of the rule of law, however, we are convinced that the existing laws are absolutely sufficient to protect citizens and that there is no need for special regulations for the digital world. As long as no criminal acts are committed, no one should censor or shut down internet offerings. Moreover, the prosecution of criminal acts is the exclusive responsibility of the state with its investigative authorities. The fact that these have been cut over the last decades must not be used as a justification for measures restricting freedom against all citizens.

We therefore wholeheartedly support the World Day against Censorship on the Internet. Freedom of speech is a core component of our free democratic basic order and must not be called into question by anyone! We therefore reiterate our demands to repeal the Network Enforcement Act without replacement and to put an end to any interference by state authorities to the detriment of freedom on the net.

Joana Cotar, MdB
Nicole Höchst, MdB
Barbara Lenk, MdB
Beatrix von Storch, MdB
Jens Cotta, MdL
Ronald Gläser, MdA
Andreas Lichert, MdL
Gerd Mannes, MdL
Joachim Paul, MdL
Claus Schaffer, MdL
Volker Schnurrbusch, MdL
Marc Vallendar, MdA
Krzysztof Walczak, MdHB
Christine Anderson, MdEP
Markus Buchheit, MdEP
Nicolaus Fest, MdEP

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