Australian Government Knew the CURE for COVID from the start.

2 years ago

The Australian Government same as all of them and their medical health establishments have known for more than a decade of a 100% effective, cheap and simple cure for ALL CORONAVIRUSES which works in 4-6 days. I knew in January 2020 from a Chinese report which triggered a search where I found the truth. I had confirmation by March of 2020 that our government informed the mining industry at least in remote regions of what it was, how to use it and advised them to stock up. The proof is in the records of emails sent to those mining companies. To this day the full story of this cure, for ALL coronaviruses remains suppressed, but it's been tested including human trials, peer reviewed articles in medical journals etc./ Take note the cure if NOT the obvious quinine, as it is also not ivermectin, though these drugs play a role. Their role is an ionophore and without ZINC supplements will only work hit and miss. Include zinc and the 100% success, incredibly is the result.

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