Podcasters, Is It Worth Editing Other Podcast Shows for Extra Income?

1 year ago

At some point, most podcasters have the idea that, “Hey, since I’m already editing my own podcast, I could edit other peoples shows to earn some extra money! Maybe several shows and earn lots of money!”

It can be a good idea for those folks who enjoy the process of editing and processing podcast episodes.

The Reality: If you take on a few clients and are successful with them, you will earn some money, develop your production skills and hopefully have some fun. But if you take on a few clients and things don’t go smoothly for you and you have to back out of your commitments, then your clients will have to struggle to quickly find someone else to take your place and you will certainly not feel very good about yourself or the whole situation.

So before you actually embark on this journey, if you want to avoid failure and a big hit to your credibility, there are two main ideas you may want to consider because they will play vital roles in your success or failure:

— How many episodes will you realistically be able to produce every week? To figure this out, decide on how many hours per week you will realistically be able to spend working on episodes, and then divide that number by how many hours it will realistically take you to produce one episode.

— What is one hour of your production time worth to you? You certainly don’t want to end up earning $5 per hour, right? So map out different scenarios and decide on what you’re HAPPY to earn. This will ensure your satisfaction and longevity.

*CAREER Option: Learn how to produce podcasts professionally from home and earn a great living doing it — https://podcastengineeringschool.com/product/pes-online-program/

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