Secrets of Hitler’s Mountain Fortress

1 year ago

[00:30] The Heart of Hitler’s Empire (26 minutes)
Welcome to Obersalzberg, the beautiful mountain location that Adolf Hitler chose for his hometown. On today’s show, we consider what we can learn from the location where Hitler plotted world war and genocide.
[26:16] Hitler’s Mountainous Obsession (8 minutes)
Hitler built his home in the shadow a specific mountain. Understanding why he chose this location, and why he was so obsessed with it, gives critical information about his empire—and the future of Europe.
[34:37] The Roots of the Holy Roman Empire (11 minutes)
Moving now to the Austrian city of Salzburg, we examine one reason why the Holy Roman Empire repeatedly rises again. Its roots go deep into European culture and landscape.
[45:25] An Atonement Message From Hitler’s Fortress (9 minutes)
Returning to Hitler’s mountain fortress, this location also gives us a positive vision of how evil will ultimately be defeated and wiped out.

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