Soul Speak # 64 Christian, Are You Ashamed Of Your Nakedness? What Are The Fig Leaves We Hide Behind

1 year ago

#soulspeak #renegademusings #raptureofbride
This might be another "revealing" post. I am going to be talking about "nakedness". 🙂 While waking this morning, #spiritofgod stringed together a number of #scriptures in my #conscious #awareness to paint a new picture.
As #christians , one of the most anticipated events we all look forward to is getting out of this skin and meeting "#jesus in the #bridal #chamber ", to finally become one with the Him. (#rapture , Marriage Supper, #raptureofbride etc.)
What was revealed to me is that there is no "bridal chamber in #heaven " and that we won't be "married to Jesus". 😲 I am sure that will come as a shock to many. And you don't have to #believe anything I am saying, I am merely sharing what was shown to me.
When the #sonofman declares the words from Matthew 7 "I never knew you, depart from me you evildoers "... that "Son of man" is not Jesus, but it is YOU, judging yourself. Remember, Jesus said of Himself that "He judges no man".
Now you might say, how is that? Let me try and explain it. I have to take us back to the #gardenofeden #eden for a moment.
#adam and his wife Eve were both naked, and they felt no #shame . Gen 2:25
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realised they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made #coverings for themselves. Gen 3:7
What happened there? They were in the presence of #god completely naked and felt #noshame . Then something happened and they began to "cover themselves" to hide their nakedness.
You know something? I bet most of us are still wearing "fig leaves" to this very day, because we feel ashamed of our "#skin " (#humanity ).
These fig leaves come to us by different names; one is "being clothed the #righteousness of God", another might be "washed in the #bloodofchrist Jesus" or an actual bullet proof, steel plated vest made up of a plethora of #bible #verses . What they all have in common is that they conceal our "nakedness" (humanity).
How many of us have said this and still say it "I can't wait to get out of this meat-suit (skin) to see Jesus"?
We are ashamed of what / who we are. Total Self #deprecation !
Now, to get "#intimate " with the #christ within...or in other words "to know you", we have to get "undressed". Yes, we have to take off our clothes... and see our nakedness (#authenticself )... and #love it.
God forbid, we finish out our earth life never getting naked, but instead hide behind religious activity such as ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ and read the Bible every day, and taught and quoted it to others?
These are all distractions that keep one from coming into "self" awareness. Never getting the opportunity to know the REAL you at it's core.
And you will declare to YOURSELF in regret (gnashing of teeth) that you never got to know YOU at your core SOUL level... in intimacy without feeling ashamed.
You will want to have the chance to (depart) go back and do it all over again!
Knowing your authentic self is the most beautiful thing, you don't have to keep "hiding it in Jesus". Step out of the bushes and love yourself in the presence of God / Source /Divinity.

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