Meet one of the most underrated Roman Emperors: Claudius II.

2 years ago

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Every fan of Roman history knows Aurelian's incredible success story, but very few know that Aurelian's success was actually built on the success of his predecessor, who is unrightfully very underrated and unknown. I am talking about the emperor Claudius II, also known as Claudius Gothicus. This unrightfully neglected man became emperor in 268, and he decisively defeated the Goths at the Battle of Naissus. The Goths were so utterly destroyed, that they would not pose a threat for the Roman Empire for 100 years. This earned him the title Gothicus. Then the Alemanni invaded Italy, and Claudius defeated them at the Battle of Lake Benacus, modern day lake Garda, in 268, thus saving Italy from a barbarian invasion. This awarded him the title Germanicus Maximus. He then defeated the Gallic splitaway empire in some battles, reclaiming the province of Hispania for the Roman Empire. This actually set the stage for the later reconquest of the Gallic Empire by Aurelian. Unfortunately, Claudius reigned for not even 2 years, falling victim to the Cyprian plague. His successor, the famous Aurelian, built upon the successes of Claudius, and saved the Roman Empire. But without the successes of Claudius Gothicus, it is very likely that Aurelian would not have been able to achieve this. Thus, we must give Claudius II the credit he deserves.

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