-Why bother-Unseen Twisted Truths

1 year ago

Why did I start this podcast? Well I believe if we reach one we can teach one. There is so many things that this world doesn't talk about and are afraid to say. Listen if we unite and come together as a whole then we will make them fall. Don't just talk about it be about it.. let's talk, let's heal, let stand talk and use or words for good.. I want to talk about the 20 food facilities burned and the crops.. I want to talk about women being suppressed in Iran and killed by the morality police all over a head dress worn wrong..I want to talk about the covid vaccine and how they are trying to scare people. I want to talk about racism how I don't even like being white because that is frowned upon. I want to talk about the masculinity in men is being taken from them..I want to talk about how they are killing children for their blood. I want to talk about all this fraud.. I want to talk about how fake this world is. I want to talk about opening my eyes and seeing the video and escaping from the delusion. Breaking off this hamster wheel and never coming back. I don't just want to talk about it I want to offer a solution or another Outlook.. this is a war for sure. This is a war against Good and Evil I am a spiritual being having a human experience and I don't like it.

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