Deep State Corruption - Biden vs Trump

2 years ago

The Biden administration will go down in American history with the unique distinction of creating and empowering a government against the people. The original vision of American government as one that is of the people, by the people, and for the people has been dying from a thousand cuts and twisted into a rule of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite. And with that elite rule, a new pervasive corruption has come into being and compromised those elected to serve and also the unelected in the vast administrative state.

Corruption has no doubt existed from the beginning of government and politics. The United States got off to a remarkably good start because of its moral foundation, lack of class and aristocracy, and its remarkable Constitution that prescribed a limited scope for government. And for the first 175 years of American history, most political corruption revolved around self-dealing, cronyism, favors, and insider information on business deals, with government being used as a vehicle for limited personal enrichment.

But with government capturing the legacy media and growing into an ever-expanding administrative state—with a mammoth multi-trillion-dollar budget, massive regulations and 75,000-page tax code—the opportunity and scale of corruption has been expanded.

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