Episode #32 - Why Exactly Are We Still Dealing With Iran?

1 year ago

Riddle me this Biden… On this episode Justin & Jamie question why the US still has any active ties with Iran. Justin details why he thinks SCOTUS is only batting .500 in their first week back. Justin gets Jamie’s reaction to what the Dems are trying to pull in Alabama. Finally, Buck tells everyone why he thinks the Dems are wanting Putin to go ahead and press that RED Button. #2022RedSurge, #DontBeMadVoteRed, #IfYouDontVoteItsYourFault, #ThatsGoingToGetUsSued, #ThatsGoingToGetUsCanceled, #TaxationIsTheft, #BoycottHometownHeadlines, #CallYourRomeCityCommissioners

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