Sept 25 2022: Of Peace and Fire: The Kingdom of God

1 year ago

Of Peace and Fire: The Kingdom of God
Pastor Matt Haflett
Daniel 2:31-45

1. Four Kingdoms
• Babylon – Nebuchadnezzar was currently reining
• Medo-Persia
• Greece
• Rome – The fourth kingdom. Strong as iron and crushed all other empires. This is when God would set up His everlasting kingdom (Daniel 7:13-14)

2. The Son of Man
• The phrase Jesus used most when referring to Himself.
• Jesus is the One that is bringing God’s kingdom to earth.
• The kingdom will be everlasting. Every tongue and nation will worship Jesus.

3. Jesus and the Kingdom. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
• Isaiah’s prophecy: A great King will be born. God’s kingdom will established of righteousness, justice, and peace.
• The ‘zeal’ – God is happy and joyous in His plans.
• Jesus was born during the Roman empire.
• Jesus teaches of the coming kingdom of God. (John 3:3-8, John 1:12-13, Colossians 1:13, John 14:1-3, Revelation 19:11-16;21:1-7)

4. Application
• Pray for His kingdom.
• Be ready.
• Tell people about Him.

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