Gay Pride, Identity Making and Ego with Sam Eddy

1 year ago

Stress, anxiety and wellness expert Sam Eddy returns to the studio to talk LGBTQ Pride Month, identity making and how humans all across the ideological spectrum mistakenly live out of ego.

We discussed:

Gay Pride
Adopting labels for identity and living out of ego
Finding peace to overcome anxiety
What is peace? what is it based on?
Are there foundations to peace and morality?
The childhood programming that both hurts and helps us
Sam comes out as gay but refuses to become an LGBTQ activist
How identity politics invests in your ego
'What is a woman?'
'The Middle Way' and how to avoid extremes
The temptation to live in ego
Should we celebrate pride?
Crisis precipitates change, so pain is often needed
The logical conclusion of identity battles
Politicians and their egos
Comparing Australian politician egos
An ego-fuelled society
Comparing countries around the world
The paradox of Chinese happiness

Watch the full interview:



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