Body Type Personality Test: Your Body Shape Reveals Your True Personality Traits

2 years ago
What is your Body Type? Sheldon’s Theory of Personality explores different body types and their personality traits.

Body Type Personality Test: So far, we know that studies have revealed that personality tests based on our body features and the way we sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, or even cross our arms help to decipher our personality traits. Today, we shall explore Sheldon’s Theory of Personality which is associated with different body types to exploreIf someone’s body type is Ectomorphic, Sheldon states that their body type is characterized as skinny and usually tall. They have narrow shoulders, narrow face, and narrow chest however thin legs and arms. They may eat healthy and in good quantity however they seem to never gain weight. People with this body type are usually introverted, gentle, calm, intelligent, but highly self-conscious. They can also feel anxious sometimes in social settings. They are an extremely private person and seem to keep to themselves. They have trouble interacting quickly with people. They are usually quiet, thoughtful, and artistic.

#2 Mesomorph Personality Traits personality traits and human temperament types. In the 1940s, William Herbert Sheldon associated body types with the personality traits of a person. He categorized each body as somatotypes and summarized their physical and psychological traits.
Let us explore the link between different body types and personality traits.
Body Type Personality Traits: What your body shape says about your personality?
#1 Ectomorph Personality Traits
If someone’s body type is Ectomorphic, Sheldon states that their body type is characterized as skinny and usually tall. They have narrow shoulders, narrow face, and narrow chest however thin legs and arms. They may eat healthy and in good quantity however they seem to never gain weight. People with this body type are usually introverted, gentle, calm, intelligent, but highly self-conscious. They can also feel anxious sometimes in social settings. They are an extremely private person and seem to keep to themselves. They have trouble interacting quickly with people. They are usually quiet, thoughtful, and artistic.
#2 Mesomorph Personality Traits
If someone’s body type is Mesomorphic, Sheldon states that their body type is usually desirable and attractive. They usually have large head, broad shoulders with a narrow waist. They have strong muscular built with strong, attractive arms and legs. They usually have very little fat on body, even if do it only adds charm. People with such body type are usually in workouts to keep their body shape. They are found to be courageous and adventurous. They are also found to be assertive and not scared to take on new challenges or try out new things. They also have a competitive streak. They may secretly or openly desire for power. They are likely to be quite dominant as well. They love the thrill of taking risks and grabbing opportunities in life.
#3 Endomorph Personality Traits
If someone’s body type is Endomorphic, Sheldon states that the body type is physically round with wide hips and narrow shoulders. One can say a pear shaped body. They usually have fat on arms and thighs however skinny wrists and ankles. Their personality is found to be sociable, comfortable, tolerant, and relaxed. They are fun-loving and even-tempered. They usually have a good sense of humour. They usually love to eat a lot. They however a huge need for affection.
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