Coffee Drinkers Live Longer: Study; What About Adding Sugar? | Trailer | Vital Signs

2 years ago

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A study compared coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers over a seven-year period. It compared those who add sugar and those who don’t, and the findings on life expectancy are surprising!

If sugar is really the “arch-nemesis” of health, how come this study suggests the opposite when we add a little to our coffee?

Are you a light-roast or medium-roast drinker? Not all coffee is created equal. Nutritional composition varies among different roasts. This ties into that age-old battle between the antioxidants and free radicals in our bodies and how much coffee can lend a hand to the “good side.”

If your morning dose of caffeine enrichment is laced with a pang of guilt—like you might be doing your body a disservice—maybe it doesn’t need to be. Watch this #coffeelovers edition of #VitalSigns with Brendon Fallon to discover why.

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