Part 1: Mask-symposium - The mask - protection or submission?

1 year ago

The long night of the masks - online symposium by doctors & scientists

"The mask - protection or submission?"

As part of this online symposium organized by the MWGFD e.V., the Society of medics and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy will provide with well known doctors and scientists, including 3 lawyers, information on all aspects of the topic of "mouth and nose covering", aka "mask". It is our goal to provid the society with important informations to be able to decide for themselves how to deal with the topic of "face masks" in the future in order to protect their health and that of their children.

Time Schedule:

0:0:00 - Prologue Dr. Ronald Weikl (gynecologist, general practitioner, naturopathic treatment, Passau, deputy chairman of the MWGFD e.V.)

0:09:53 - Introduction to the topic - Prof. Dr. Haditsch (specialist in hygiene and microbiology, virology and infection epidemiology as well as tropical medicine)

0:25:27 Pathophysiology of mask wearing - Prof. Dr. Sönnichsen (specialist in general medicine and family medicine)

0:37:17 Physical aspects of wearing a mask - Prof. Dr. Bergholz (physicist, former Professor of Electrical Engineering at Jacobs University Bremen, expert for quality and risk management and, among other things, also a member of the Expert Commission of the German Bundestag, which was responsible for evaluating the corona measures)

0:49:20 Protection & damage of the masks - Prof. Dr. Burkhardt (specialist in pathology, Reutlingen, head of the "Pathology Conference" team)

1:21:41 Disgusting masks as a hygienic nightmare - Prof. Dr. Kutschera (Evolutionary Biologist and Physiologist, Scientific Collaborator, Stanford-CA (USA) & AK Evolutionary Biology)

1:38:07 Presentation of the children's mask study - Andreas Diemer (physician specializing in general medicine and naturopathic medicine and qualified physicist)

1:49:52 Masks are a cult - Dr. Hirte (pediatrician)

2:02:08 Mask requirement for children from the perspective of the neurobiologist - Prof. Dr. Huether

2:10:20 Child endangerment - family judge Hans Christian Prestien (former family judge, member of

2:34:44 Psychological aspects of the mask requirement -Prof. Dr. Walach (clinical psychologist, health scientist, head of the Change Health Science Institute)

2:57:15 Mask in pregnancy - effects on the fetus - Dr. Fiala (specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, general practitioner, tropical medicine; Vienna)

Organization and moderation: Dr. medical Ronald Weikl, gynecologist, general practitioner, naturopathic treatment, Passau, deputy chairman of the MWGFD e.V.

Further important information on the subject can be found on the MWGFD website at:


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