The David Knight Show 4Oct22 - Unabridged

2 years ago

* SCOTUS lets stand Trump gun control by Exec Order and ATF redefinition of terms

Supremes are back in session — here are the cases before them

* CIA invests in a real-world "Jurassic Park" business venture to bring back wooly mammoths. They're not interested in pachyderms but they do have mammoth plans they share with Space Force, DoD, and DARPA

* California government is STILL coming after churches with MILLIONS in "pandemic" fines for not locking down, masking, etc

* 5 year anniversary of the Vegas shooting — and FBI's actions are still a huge red flag

* Federal Reserve begins pushing ESG with 6 largest banks to usher in Chinese style social credit system

* Elon Musk actually got it right on Ukraine and sets off a firestorm of criticism especially from the Ukrainian puppets

* Even more evidence, beyond Blinken's boasting, that the pipeline bombing was carried out by USA or UK

INTERVIEW: Why the Left Weaponizes "Christian Nationalism"
Michael Voris, ChurchMilitant.comMichael Voris,, in a country that's adrift without an anchor will we be shamed into silence?

- can you tell the difference between "Christian Nationalism" label, free exercise of religion, establishment of religion

- has the GOP lost its way on abortion, Rowe, Dobbs

- education, forming the future

- stripping away parental rights a UN agenda that's come out of the closet

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