Be A Great Communicator (10 tips you have arrived)

1 year ago


It is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator. I'll share a few of the communication traits, if used consistently, will help you achieve better communication results.
It is the ability to develop a keen external awareness that separates the truly great communicators from those who muddle through their interactions with others. Examine the world's greatest leaders, and you'll find them all to be exceptional communicators. They might talk about their ideas, but they do so in a way that also speaks to your emotions and your aspirations.
00:00 Introduction
03:26 Do not speak with a forked tongue
04:09 Get personal
05:05 Get specific
06:00 Focus on the leave-behinds, not the takeaways
06:34 Have an open mind
07:23 Shut up and listen
09:12 Replace ego with empathy
10:08 Read between the lines
11:01 When you speak, know what you're talking about
11:49 Speak to groups as individuals:
12:52 TLDW (Too Long Did Not Watch)
13:50 Outro

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