Beloved Hospital Administrator Dies of SADS within a Week of Being Told SADS Stats in AB

2 years ago

I spoke to a Hospital administrator a week before her passing suddenly and unexpectedly at work. In our conversation, she admitted she was fully boosted and that she hadn't done much research that presented the other side of what she had been officially provided with from 'credentialed' sources.

This woman was a lovely human being from not just my accounts but by almost everyone she touched. This news is not shared to disparage her or her legacy. It is a cautionary tale to all who through their earnest belief that the government cares about their well-being they were duped. Many smart, kind, compassionate and loving people were. Many were innocent and were not given informed consent.

We need to hold these people with grace, compassion and respect despite seeing things differently. It is not our place to judge though I honestly don't judge you for judging as I'm no less impervious to that tendency. I'm simply calling for all of us to dig deep into the well of love and compassion to see as much as we can through the filter of what led them to make their decisions.

From the depths of my heart, I am praying for all of us to wake, rise up and work to elevate one another into a more compassionate and loving way of being.

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