V2VG on the Road Again

1 year ago

Chuck and Eric on the way back from Project New Hope, VT Office after picking up food and supplies for eight (8) veteran families.

To contact the PNH office in Vermont you may call and speak with Tiffany or Heaven at 802-431-0936


(VERY near the WRJ, VT Veterans Affairs Medical Hospital)

Project New Hope
222 Holiday Drive, Suite 7&9
White River Junction, VT 05001
(at the Junction of I-89 and I-91)

However you need to go through TWO Roundabouts, or Rotaries, (Traffic Circles) and the road is on the right.
Once you go down Holiday Drive you will see a black iron barred facility on your right, that's a secure Naval Facility, the plaza they are in is locate across from there.

Once you get to the main plaza drive, you will see a flag and multiple buildings, (same red brick style) turn left into plaza and go to second set of buildings. Look for building 222, it is marked. They have a very small sign on the main entrance.

Once you go through the front door you will see a closed metal door, go through that and there will be a hallway and just go straight, they are down there on the Left and Right.

PLEASE CALL BEFORE SHOWING UP to confirm they are on site!!

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