Will Cell Towers Fail w/ Power Grid?

1 year ago

Act Legally & Constitutionally. Info, videos, & to contact me in private chat: https://gab.com/SvenVonErick (Opinion) Will China invade Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, & South America all at the same time the US is made to fall due to China Biden? All is to my best belief & knowledge. #StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #MeToo #WBNemesis #USConstitutionParty #NoPedoJoe #Restore45 #TheStarkRavingViking More videos: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/expatworldnews

Previous video, clearing Brush w/ a Gas Trimmer w/ Saw Blade: https://www.brighteon.com/238bb08b-bbdf-4d0e-9ca2-7dce4ab30147

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