Live Action's Life Awards Gala 2022 Recap

2 years ago

We had the honor of awarding 3 heroes with Life Awards for their courageous & sacrificial role in protecting children:

Pastor Lee Jong-Rak has saved over 2,000 children from abortion and infanticide by his pioneering work to build temperature controlled “baby boxes” in South Korea, where babies — often mentally or physically handicapped — can be anonymously and safely surrendered.

Attorney General Lynn Fitch of Mississippi fought at the US Supreme Court to successfully overturn Roe v Wade. Tens of thousands of children have been saved to date.

And Mary Wagner, a Canadian pro-life activist, who has rescued countless children by entering abortion facilities and providing resources, support, and a red rose to women in the waiting rooms of abortion facilities. She has served over 6 years in prison for this courageous, selfless work to rescue babies from abortion.

Their work is a beacon of hope for our world…

“We are in a time of limitless opportunity. Do we have the bravery, strategy, and tenacity to take advantage of it? May we never forget our sacred responsibility: the children we advocate for cannot speak for themselves. By lending your voice, by giving sacrificially, YOU stand in between the child and violent death." Lila Rose, president & founder of Live Action

Fuel Live Action's work to change hearts and minds on abortion:

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