Traumatized Liberal Supports Unisex Changing Rooms...But NOT for Her

1 year ago

I really HATE unisex changing rooms and bathrooms. Do I have some sort of weird hangup? No. The reason from my animus towards unisex is that several years ago Target stores suddenly got woke and decided that if a man identified as a woman then he could use the women's restrooms at Target. Essentially they made the restrooms unisex. And the type of men who would use a woman's restroom could be easily classified as sicko creeps which is why women quickly began avoiding Target. And as a result of the completely predictable drop in Target business, around 2016 they announced the closure of a half dozen SuperTargets around the country. I went to look at the list confident that the SuperTarget right near me wouldn't be on the closure list simply because of the odds. WRONG! The SuperTarget near me was among those on the list. As a result my wallet took a big hit since I used to go there early in mornings several times a week because they had the discounted meats on sale at that time. So the SuperTarget closed down over a year later and gone was my steeply discounted strip steaks which is why I have NO SYMPATHY for the hypocritical traumatized liberal woman in this video who is all for unisex changing rooms...but just not for her.

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